Read more about the article Portraits
Portrait of Bobby, 2007. Digital Print, Performance Documentation with Tara Travis


2007 Tara Travis, a professional actor, was hired to enact three characters based on Elizabeth Milton’s deceased family members. After studying photographs, character biographies and descriptions of physical and vocal…

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Read more about the article HypnoThesis
Hypothesis, 2007. Performance Documentation, Morris and Helen Belkin Gallery, UBC, Vancouver


2007 Hypnothesis was a live performance that took place during Milton’s MFA thesis presentation at the Morris and Helen Belkin Gallery at UBC, Vancouver. Working with a hypno-therapist for a…

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Read more about the article Studio Portrait
Studio Portrait, 2006. Performance Documentation (original painting, painting of staged performance, costumes, props), Open Studios, BC Binning Studios, University of British Columbia

Studio Portrait

2005 Studio Portrait was a process-driven performance enacted during a group exhibition at UBC’s BC Binning Studios in the Spring of 2006. The act of recreating a childhood portrait of Elizabeth,…

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Read more about the article Encore
Encore, 2004. Performance Documentation


2004 Encore is a performer/audience endurance project that makes use of audio manipulation. Milton performed a live lip synch followed by a ten minute vocal finale. The final note of…

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Read more about the article Stand In
Stand-In, 2002. Motel, Performance Documentation

Stand In

2002 The Stand-in Project was an interactive performance based around the process of hiring a professional actress to endure a twenty-four hour performance as Milton. Researched in all aspects of Milton’s…

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